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Saturday 20 May 2017

This Was My Dream Come True......The Purpose Tour India

I woke up in the morning on the 10th of May. I couldn't hold my excitement, because the day that I was waiting for from the past two months (read 7 years) had finally arrived. Justin Bieber was in India for his Purpose Tour and in the next few hours I was going to see him standing right in front of me.

I became a Belieber the very first time I heard Baby. I remember my summer vacations were going on & I was watching TV. I was surfing the channels when I came across Baby. & in that summer heat Baby gave me a feeling as if I was on a snow clad mountain (weird I know) & I instantly fell in love with that song. I then started watching Vh1 (the channel that played Baby) day in and day out in hopes of listening the song again & again. & since the song was new then Vh1 played it almost every hour. I then obviously had to search for the artist (read Justin Bieber). I not only fell in love with the song but also this kiddo who was singing it.

I has turned into a Belieber. I remember those social media fights between the Beliebers & the haters. Though I laugh at my that self now, then it felt really satisfying defending Justin. Well between all this love and hate I got a golden opportunity of my life time. An opportunity which would have given me a chance to meet Justin & spend a day with him. But I was stupid enough to miss that. Vh1 (they should pay me for advertising them so much) had a contest in which one lucky winner along with a friend would get a chance to see The My World Tour (VIP Seats), a chance to meet Justin Bieber & spend a day with him & obviously flights tickets, accomodtion, etc., Now lets see how I missed this amazing opportunity. The show was on the 21st of April, 2011 in Malaysia. Now we (my family) had already booked a trip to Malaysia from the 19th to 25th April, which means we were going to be in Malaysia on the day of the concert. So I thought that I'll say we already have all the bookings so you guys at Vh1, instead of given us 2 tickets for the show & flight tickets & accomodation just give us 4 tickets for the show & a day with Justin (since we had already booked the flight & stay).

So I had completed all the basic rounds of the contest & was eagerly waiting for the telephonic interview through which I could win the 4 tickets as per my plan. So the day arrives, I get the call & out of excitement instead of letting the person complete first I directly said we have already booked a trip to Malaysia. & that was the end of it. He said ok, I'll give you a call later. & that later never happened. I never got a call & I obviously missed the opportunity. Jump to April 21st, 2011 Malaysia. After much struggles we somehow managed to sneak into the stadium & witness the last 15 minutes from the general zone of the My World Tour. I was happy, sad but mostly I was regretful. I regretted that phone call & that regret would go away only when I would see Justin (not from the general stands) perform once again. Meeting him is impossible (but never say never) but I just wanted to see him perform again, which I thought was never going to happen & I will have to die with this regret.

My World Tour Stage in Malaysia 2011
Years passed by, I got busy with my work, I still had that regret but I didn't have much time to think about it or do anything about it. Now jump to January 2017 (after 6 long years), news started doing rounds that Justin Bieber is going to perform in India for his Purpose Tour, & I was like this is too good to be true. But, in February the news was confirmed & the tickets were going to go on sale. I spoke to my mother about it. I told her I am going for the concert no matter what. I was so so so excited about it I can't even explain it. Boom!! the tickets go on sale. I had a clue that they are going to be shit expensive, but these were like whoa!! way too pricey. Plus wait in the (virtual) queue for you chance to come. I told my mother I am purchasing the silver zone tickets as I had already experienced the general zone & the other zones were out of my league. She found the tickets too expensive (7700+200taxes=7900 & something extra). I told her I have an FD maturing next month & will repay her. She agreed to it. & I know how much money we need and how much we have, so I had to make this deal with her. I couldn't afford spending so much of my parents money for my dream. So I got the silver zone ticket. OMG!! was this for real, like I still couldn't believe it that I was going to see Justin right in front of me.

excited me
In the meanwhile, I made friends on Facebook who were also from the silver zone. We made a Whatsapp group & decided that we all will go together. So the day arrives. I got ready and reached the venue at around 12 pm. There were about 200 people ahead of me. So me & my Facebook Belieber friends were in touch & I was telling them to reach there asap. I met one friend who disappeared after a while. Everyone was standing, sitting, vomitting, fainting in that hot sun of Mumbai, but no one was giving up. Finally at around 3:15 the gates opened & we reached inside. The silver zone was behind the platinum zone, up till where the ramp was extended. I somehow managed to find place near the FOH which gave me a clear view of the ramp. Then I met two of my silver zone friends & even they managed to fit themselves near the FOH. Now obviously everyone wanted a clear view so everyone started trying to be near the FOH. There were fights, quarrels all through. The show began.  It was hosted by the beautiful Elarica Johnson who took a selfie with the crowd & asked everyone to @ her on Instagram. The first act was of Sartek who performed for an hour, second of Zaeden who also performed for an hour & third of Alan Walker who started his performance by saying "MUMBAI" &  performed for almost two hours. I wanted to vlog everything. Forget vlogging I couldn't even see them & most importantly I had been sandwiched between the barricades & the people. But I managed to film a few things to put up a video. I somehow survived the heat, the fights, the sandwiching uptill 8:10 pm.

Yes 8:10 pm, *screams* *OMG Justin* *I can't believe he's here* Justin is finally on stage. OMG! he's here, he's here. He starts his performance with 'Mark My Words'. I somehow remove my phone and start recording his performance. I wanted to keep the memories for lifetime. I hold my phone my in the air & keep staring at Justin. He walks forward as he performs & comes to the edge of the ramp. OMG! he is just 10 feet away from me now. People cheering & requesting songs, Justin singing, it couldn't get better. My regret had disappeared. I was just so happy I can't even tell. Justin performed a mix of his new & old songs which included Mark My Words, Purpose, Let Me Love You, Boyfriend, Baby, Children & others. While performing 'Children' there were some children who performed with Justin. After the song Justin asked them their names, I remember there were Rishi, Khushi, Aryan. Justin gave them a hi5 and a hug & I so wished I was one of them. All the girls who were quarelling before were now busy taking selfies with each other.

It was so lovely. It was such a wonderful feeling. I just didn't want it to end. There was a time when Justin was tuning his guitar, the crowd was silent & we screamed 'We Love You Justin' & he replied with a 'I Love You Too', I was literally *dead* then. At one point Justin started singing Mumbai.....Mumbai.....Mumbai.....& everyone followed him. His guitar messed up while an acoustic performance of 'Cold Water' & he blamed it on the humidity. Finally at around 9:45 he started singing 'Sorry' (which was the last song of the night). He swayed the Indian flag while the performance, it was so pleasing to watch. Then there were massive fireworks which marked the end of the show. I was hoping that he'll come back, but people started to leave the venue. I now finally met my Silver zone friends & made some new ones. I was still hoping that Justin will make a re-entry (as he had done in Malaysia), but the security came in and started to ask people to leave. It was then confirmed that this is the official end. We clicked some pictures & left the venue with happiness in our  heart & satisfaction on our faces.

my silver zone friends
It took me almost half an hour to actually get on the main street. I was standing for 10 hours straight, I hadn't eaten anything since the past 12 hours, but I neither were my legs paining nor was I hungry. I was just happy, very happy that my dream had finally come true. 

watch the glimpses of the concert here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U21I4zM018k&t=25s