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     Hello peeps, I recently visited Singapore with my family. It is such a lovely place, but there are many things about Singapore that ...

Friday 22 April 2016

What Made Me Fall In Love With Travelling......

image courtesy- http://www.issaquahhighlands.com/event/travel-night/
      Find a person in the world apart from a new born who hasn't traveled even once in life. I'm sure there won't be any. Everybody travels. While some travel for work, there are some who travel for leisure. Then there are a few who travel for fun or for a holiday. & the rest are like me, who travel because we love to travel.

     Every traveller has a different story about why they chose to be a traveller or what made them fall in love with travelling. I ain't a full time traveller yet, but today I'm going to share with you'll what made me fall in love with travelling.

    When I was a kid I remember that I would always be travelling during my holidays. I was never home when I had my vacations. I was either at my grandparents place or at some of my uncle's or aunt's place. And when all of my family had a vacation we would have a family trip. I have seen many places when I was a kid. All thanks to those family trips I've had. 

    Now who doesn't like to visit different places. We all do, right? As a kid even I loved to visit new places. & because the trips were after the stressful exams, visiting a different place took away all the stress. But as I grew up, I realized it wasn't just about hoping in some ride and going to a new place to take a break. I realized I don't just love to travel, what I actually love is getting to know the lifestyle of the people of the place that I visit. Hearing the language they speak, eating the food they eat, wearing the kind of clothes they wear. It was all this that I love. 

     And thanks to the diverse culture of India, I have never seen the same thing at two different places. Everything was different everywhere. The language, the food, the clothes, everything changes region to region. The one thing common was the heart-warming welcome of the people wherever we went.

    I loved what I saw. But you see I never really got a chance to experience all these things. Because all the trips were planned according to a holiday, most of it included sight-seeing and shopping. So I never really got a chance to go and spend time with the locals and get to know about their place from them itself. & because my family thought I was too young to travel alone, I never really got to do what I really love to do.

    But now, I guess its time. I have finally convinced my parents to let me travel. Because travelling will let me go and explore different places. & because I love to explore and travelling will let me do that, I fell in love with travelling.

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